NEW Novel COMING 2025
preorders open
new short story
headcheese by
jess hagemann
From sexual fetish to the clinical diagnosis of Body Integrity Identity Disorder, Headcheese makes the first cut, peeling back the epidermis to peer inside the minds and hearts of 26 people navigating the topography of flesh.
Winner of a 2019 IPPY Award in Horror!
“Reading Headcheese is like realizing the chainsaw was the hero of Texas Chain Saw Massacre and that nothing brings us closer to our true selves than understanding what we'd cut away. Jess Hagemann does for dismemberment what Ishmael did for whales—revealing the whole world inside the tiniest details.”
“A provocative and ingeniously assembled novel with enough debauched imagination—and perverse reality—to satisfy even the most morbidly curious reader. If this book was a Google search, you’d read it in incognito mode.”
—Katie Rife, A.V Club
About jess
Jess Hagemann's recent work has appeared in Last Girls Club, Ghoulish Tales, and Sky Island Journal. Her debut novel Headcheese (2018) won an IPPY Award in Horror. Her sophomore novel Mother-Eating (2025) is forthcoming. She has an MFA from the Jack Kerouac School, and is the proud recipient of writing fellowships at McNeese State and Dear Butte. Austin, Texas is home.
More at
other publications
excerpt from Sweet Cheeks, Three Seasons of Winter Vol. 2 (forthcoming)
“The Last Taboo,” Texas Road Kill (forthcoming)
“Woman Among Women,” Last Girls Club
“A Certain Level of Discernment,” Ghoulish Tales
“Something Like Grief,” Sky Island Journal
“House of Many Rooms,” Castle of Horror: Young Adult
“Comfort Woman,” Castle of Horror: Femme Fatales
“To Have and to Hold,” NPR Illinois
“Exoskeleton,” under the gum tree
“Crane,” Your Everyday Heroes
“Study of Retinoblastoma Homolog in C. elegans,” Utter Magazine
“The Red Pearl,” Looseleaf Tea
“That Sainted Gash,” Almost Five [Quarterly]
“Veiled,” Doorknobs & BodyPaint
“Things to Save,” Inquiring Mind
“Room for Saltwater,” The Oklahoma Review
“Taboo Blue,” Five [Quarterly]
“On Blasphemy,” Esque Magazine
“Sheer Like Gauze,” Kweli Journal
“On Ecology,” Gambling the Aisle
“Off the Dome: An Interview with Ronaldo V. Wilson,” Bombay Gin
“The Cardigan and the Carnalval,” Fiera Lingue
“MySpace: Begin,” Pank Magazine
“On Breasts and Testicles,” Lethologica
“Static,” “Castro Lauds Elections,” & “To My Fellow Cannibal Christians,” Re:Visions
“Fixtures,” Spires Magazine
in the news
Jess on the Ghoulish Books blog
Jess reads at Smushed Blueberries
Jess gets interviewed on Curious Blend
Jess gets interviewed on The Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur
Jess at the virtual launch for Castle of Horror: YA (28:15)
Review of Into the Forest by Publishers Weekly
Encyclopocalypse Publications acquires Headcheese
Jess at the virtual launch for Castle of Horror: Femme Fatales
Jess gets interviewed on HorrorGirl Problems
Review of Headcheese by The Dust Lounge
Headcheese wins an IPPY Award in Horror
Jess performs at Something Indecent
Jess gets interviewed on The BodPod
Jess gets interviewed by Morbidly Beautiful
Jess gets interviewed on Retro Movie Geek
Jess gets interviewed on Trick or Treat Radio
Review of Headcheese by Into the Void
Review of Headcheese by Killer Horror Critic
Jess gets interviewed by PopHorror
Review of Headcheese by PopHorror
Daily Dead on Headcheese artwork
Dread Central on Headcheese novel release
Jess gets interviewed on Bizzong!
Review of Headcheese by One-Legged Reviews
Jess gets interviewed on The Corpsepaint Show
Get in touch.
Jess is available for conferences, visiting writers’ weekends, and other speaking engagements.